sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

Places for hangout near at scholl

Cide is over rugged terrain
This is a difficult topic. Cide is in Santa Fe, a zone of corporative offices in Mexico City. The land is irregular: in the past, this area was a space of gullys for wastes. Today, there are a lot of buildings and houses adapted for this characteristics, but not the means of trasport. Some places can be near, but is difficult come to there because is necesary low four levels of stairs and, then, take a bus o keep walking.

Ice skating ring at Centro Santa Fe
I recommed two places for hangout: both are malls. The first is Centro Santa Fe and the second, Patio Sante Fe. There, you can find restaurants, stores, things for pets, cinemas, centers of fast food, stations of desserts and, even an ice skating ring! May be, some of this places can be expensive but the advantage is that you can find together almost all that you can want and there are to distance of 20 miutes walking.

Thuersday: My favourite days

This semester, each student can choice some subjets. I chose "Formal methods and cuantitative analysis of political science"; "History of left in Latin America" and "Inequality and Discrimination". All thuersday I take the latest two and this are my favourite days because I enjoy to much learn about this topics. At the 8:00 a.m. my day begin with the class of left, where I have four classmates. We have been sharing letcurers about Utopism, Anarquism, Socialism, Russian Revolution and Chinese Comunism. This class is very interesting because is not only for supporters. Conversely, the critical view from teacher make of this class a space for talk about successes and failures of leftist leaders.

Aditionally, the class "Inequality and Discrimination", with a debate format, provides me data about the causes and effects of this problem in my country. At the moment, I have been able to understand that this is a complex problem and, therefore, is possible to analyse from a psycologyc, philosophic, economic or other points of view. At the end of the day, I feel better ready for understand my enviroment and what kind of solutions could be proposals far from the failures of past.

The food in the dining room: prices, quality and flavor

Students at Cide have the right to eat in the dining room for $26 pesos each meal. This is a great price considering our incomes: we received almost $10,000 pesos for month. This amount must be enough for pay the rent of housing, expenses for transport, copies, books and another school materials and also, some outgo for fun. So, with only $1040 pesos, we can take two meals per day along one month and it is an advantage, but...What about the quality?

The flavor is no so bad, considering the price. However, I thing the dishes can be more originals: sometimes the complements are just boiled vegetables, without salt. So, in this cases, the food es healthy, but the flavour is no so good. I thing, healty and delicious have not be enemies: is possible cooking with both attributes. Anyway, the kitchen team make a great job all days and I am convainced that price, quality and flavor complies with standars in the mattter.