sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

Thuersday: My favourite days

This semester, each student can choice some subjets. I chose "Formal methods and cuantitative analysis of political science"; "History of left in Latin America" and "Inequality and Discrimination". All thuersday I take the latest two and this are my favourite days because I enjoy to much learn about this topics. At the 8:00 a.m. my day begin with the class of left, where I have four classmates. We have been sharing letcurers about Utopism, Anarquism, Socialism, Russian Revolution and Chinese Comunism. This class is very interesting because is not only for supporters. Conversely, the critical view from teacher make of this class a space for talk about successes and failures of leftist leaders.

Aditionally, the class "Inequality and Discrimination", with a debate format, provides me data about the causes and effects of this problem in my country. At the moment, I have been able to understand that this is a complex problem and, therefore, is possible to analyse from a psycologyc, philosophic, economic or other points of view. At the end of the day, I feel better ready for understand my enviroment and what kind of solutions could be proposals far from the failures of past.

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