sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

The food in the dining room: prices, quality and flavor

Students at Cide have the right to eat in the dining room for $26 pesos each meal. This is a great price considering our incomes: we received almost $10,000 pesos for month. This amount must be enough for pay the rent of housing, expenses for transport, copies, books and another school materials and also, some outgo for fun. So, with only $1040 pesos, we can take two meals per day along one month and it is an advantage, but...What about the quality?

The flavor is no so bad, considering the price. However, I thing the dishes can be more originals: sometimes the complements are just boiled vegetables, without salt. So, in this cases, the food es healthy, but the flavour is no so good. I thing, healty and delicious have not be enemies: is possible cooking with both attributes. Anyway, the kitchen team make a great job all days and I am convainced that price, quality and flavor complies with standars in the mattter.

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